Saturday, February 18, 2012

Gomineko Books is starting a limited edition Kewpie fanzine!!!'s the deets.

- $100 to participate. I'll send you 2 good sized Kewpie dolls to illustrate however you wish. (Sorry for having to charge but these puppies aren't cheap and neither is shipping) Additional Kewpies are $35.

- One doll is returned to me for exhibition and to eventually be sold for charity (All proceed to be donated towards Japanese relief efforts). The second kewpie you keep. (I know you guys aren't gonna be too keen to part with these once they are finished so I thought this was a good solution.)

- You take at least 20 high def pics of your kewpie (s) including a couple with you in it and send those to me for the zine. Random stuff welcome, wanna throw him in your shop, your doghouse your it. Anything resembling kiddy porn will not be considered....Kewpies are creepy enough on their own.

-Submissions do not guarantee publication. If your Kewpie is mediocre, your pics suck, or your set doesn't go with the flow of the fanzine we will hold out for a later edition or shelf it. If/when your set features in the zine you will be sent a free copy.

-Each fanzine will feature 15 artists (I am thinking 6-8 photos from each artist's set) and will be handmade by me and limited to 50 copies. The Kewpies will exhibit at the events and galleries Gomineko supports.

- Kewpie illustrations, doodles, tattoo flash, or any other Kewpie related 2D imagery is also super welcome. Go nuts.

Thats it in a nutshell. You can send the $100 via paypal to or shoot me a message and I will invoice you. Take whatever time you need to complete your dolls.....I want to do a nice long run of these!!

xoxo Crystal

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